Stepping into a new season

Whether we like it or not, summer is coming to an end. That back-to-school feeling is in the air (and in the stores). We’re stepping into a new season, and it helps to consciously prepare for it.

 1.       Review your calendar for the rest of the year.

What are the events that require preparation? Now is a great time to start getting your head around your schedule for the next few months.

2.       What do you want to accomplish before the end of 2023?

If you set goals for this year, this is a good time to evaluate progress and make plans to fulfill them in the coming months.

If you didn’t set goals, September is a great time to do so. You can even set a theme or intention for the last part of the year.

3.       What do you want ‘more of’ in this new season? What do you want ‘less of’?

Do you want to add a healthy habit? Change up your routine? This is the time to make plans for that so you can enjoy the benefits as the weather gets cooler.

4.       Declutter

Take some time to look at your closet - what didn’t you wear this summer? Now is the perfect time to give those items away.

Set a goal to clear out one drawer or closet. This physical act of making space will have a positive impact on your mental health, and give you the feeling of a fresh start.

5.       What can you do for your future self?

Imagine it’s mid-October and you’ve been extra-busy since Labour Day. Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a day off already blocked in your calendar? Maybe a massage or a haircut, or lunch with a friend? Take the time now to put appointments and vacation time in your calendar, rather than scrambling later on. This has the added bonus of giving you something positive to anticipate, which is a great mental health practice.

Enjoy the fall season! Find things that give you that spark of joy as the weather changes, and incorporate them into your regular day.