Conflicting energy of December

December is such a contrast of energies. We want to party and at the same time, we want to hibernate.

The holiday season makes this month feel frenetic – shopping, errands, post office issues, and socializing. Ah, socializing. Who else has trouble getting their head around putting on an entire outfit down to shoes, and the idea that people want to shake hands and share plates of food? Not to mention small talk...

(Maybe the pandemic has made me an introvert.)

I’ve always found that Christmas creeps up too quickly. One minute it’s November and I think I have lots of time. The next minute it’s December 10, and I’m wondering if the box of gifts will make its way to my PEI family before the big day.

We’re cajoled into being merry and eating, drinking and buying to excess, all in the name of the season. If you have small children, there’s another layer of making magic for them.

And then there’s the fact that December is the darkest month of the year. Here in Calgary as I write this, the sun rises at 8:23 am and sets at 4:30 pm. I went online to check those times, and the weather network very nicely informed me that “the polar vortex is at it’s peak”.

Not only is it dark, but it’s cold too.

This December energy is all about hibernation. I’d like to socialize, but I’d also like to stay home in sweats and no makeup and watch tiktok or read my book.

And we’re all tired – adults and kids alike. I heard the idea recently that we all came into 2022 with our gas tanks close to empty, and this year has been all about making up for lost time. Travel, get togethers, work projects. Many people are running on fumes - if that - just trying to make it to vacation time.

The darkness of December brings on reflection. We can’t help but look back at the year that’s passed. Where did the time go? Did we accomplish anything? This season invites introspection.

I always come into December trying to find balance between these energies. I like the socializing and the gifting and the festivities. But I also want time to write Christmas cards and journal and hibernate. Some years I do a better job of balancing than others.

Wherever your energy is this month, I encourage you to treat yourself in any way that you can, even if it’s small things.

·         Go to bed early.

·         Buy yourself some new, warm mittens.

·         Give yourself permission to drop one (or more) of the “shoulds” from this month.

·         Eat something healthy. Eat something decadent.

·         Wear the comfortable shoes.

·         Get a massage – those benefits need to get used!

·         Dream about what’s next.

I hope you enjoy these last weeks of 2022 in whatever way is best for you, and that you start the new year with a full tank of energy.